Tag Archives: Sex

Writing is for Virgins

By: Penn A. Trayshun

Fuck writing! Who the hell in their goddamn mind wants to do this shit? My name is Penn A. Trayshun and I’ve got 30 bodies. Also about half as many STD’s. I wear a lot of cologne so you can’t smell my oozing pustules. They’re breeding grounds for all the crabs that live on the surface of my dermis! Anyway, I’m here to say that writing is for virgins. Like, who the fuck can take it upon themselves to be an editor of a paper? And one that publishes each week no less?! That’s some fucked shit. When I look at a blank piece of paper, all I want to do is distract myself with my hobbies, like chatting up girls or cooking steak or milking my cat, you know, the usual. I used to be able to write back in 2006 before I lost my virginity to my babysitter. I stopped being a virgin and entered the world of the Chad, and Hell, I’m never leaving it. That’s how I know that every writer for the Daily Targum has never whipped out their genitalia except to take a piss or sail the red sea once a month. There’s some other paper called The Medium or something, but they haven’t put out a physical copy of their paper for a year or something. They must be drowning in sexual partners. Apparently, kinks are genetic as well. Whoever those people are, they must be absolute legends.

Buy My Anus-Sealing Device for Great Sex

By: Lawrence Penetratore

You’re a big and strong individual. You love to be the dominant force during sex. I know what that’s like because I’m the same way. But I had a problem. When I would be engaging in the sexual activities, I’d feel a strong urge to fart. Sometimes it’s even a shart. That’s a shit fart if you don’t know. Anywho, I invented this new device to deal with this issue. It’s a vacuum sealing device you fit over your asshole. It has to be a hermetic seal to keep the pressure on your colon gases so that they aren’t released. The first time I used it I was in shock! I didn’t fart all over my partner while we were face to face. I never knew how good sex could be until I vacuum sealed my own asshole. This device can be bought from my personal collection, either used or unused, for $30. It also works to keep your poop inside of you during intercourse…if you’re really vanilla like that. I am currently working on another sex device to sell for money and clout. It’s a dirty talk translator. For example, If you ever find yourself in a sexual situation with a German person and they scream something, the device will scream to you what they said but in your native tongue. I am already banned from entering 12 countries because of my radical ideas. Please help me.

Top Five Reasons I’m Not a Virgin

By: Red Pilled Alpha Giga Chad (Not a virgin)

  1. I had sex with my girlfriend but you wouldn’t know her she goes to another school in another country but she definitely exists and I definitely put my peepee in her legs.
  2. I no longer wear the purity ring that my priest gave me. I still believe in God, I just believe he wanted me to get laid. 
  3. I am not a liberal.
  4. I have never tasted my own seamen nor another man named Jeffery’s seamen.
  5. My uncle told me I wasn’t a virgin after we played doctor downstairs in the basement alone on Thanksgiving when I was five.

5 Ways to Spice Up your Bedroom

By – P. P. Harding

  1. X Marks the Spot– Get really into pirate role play. Have your first mate draw a red “X” where they want to ejaculate and if they hit their target yell “Shiver me timbers!”, then both enjoy a nice orange to prevent scurvy.
  2. Sundae Surprise– Grab yourself some sprinkles, whip up some cream, get some ice cream. Put the toppings on the ice cream. Eat the ice cream. Do not have sex.
  3. Pinata Party– wear a blindfold and grab that old baseball bat from out of the garage. Tie your partner up and violently beat them with the bat within an inch of their life.
  4. Cum Home for Christmas– Get festive! Take a candy cane and repeatedly shove it in and out of your partner’s asshole until the end of it looks like the tip of a Christmas tree star
  5. Shrexy– Reuse your condoms! Place your used condoms over your partner’s ears (to look like Shrek) and have them yell “GET OUT OF MAH SWAMP” in a thicc Scottish accent.

Still no Rate my Professor Chili Pepper for Teacher who Fucked Three Students

By Sue de Nimm

NEW BRUNSWICK — Despite her best attempts, Rutgers professor Sheila Fuqueue has still yet to succeed at attaining a chili pepper on her Rate My Professor profile. Having already slept with 3 students in her Women’s Empowerment course, Fuqueue is struggling to come up with a good method of being awarded that elusive spicy vegetable of attraction.

The chili pepper was added to the Rate My Professor website to allow bored students to relive their glory days in high school and symbolically jack off to their hot teachers. Students can then check impending professors so they can pick a section in which they can at least daydream a reality in which they have a shot with someone way out of their league. For Professor Fuqueue, the lack of such recognition is humiliating.

“What more can I do?” said Fuqueue, fumbling over a half used bottle of Xanax and some used tissues. “I already bend over to pick up my clicker with my blouse unbuttoned at least 5 times a lecture while exclaiming ‘Whoops! I’m such a silly ol’ slut’. I mean I guess I could try anal.” Other professors in the department have the chili pepper, despite claiming to not even have given so much as a handie to a single one of their students.

“I mean, she was like, OK I guess,” said one of the fucked students Craigory Jamison, while skateboarding and drinking a Corona Lite. “I can’t just start handing out chili peppers to every professor that sucks my dick. There has to be an effort made, and I didn’t feel like she put in that effort.”

The University has stated that they will begin to crack down on instances like these that tarnish the good name of Rutgers by making sure that professors are working extra hard and ruling that no chili pepper be awarded to a teacher that hasn’t sucked and fucked at least a dozen students.