Bezos Takes Away Workers’ Pee Bottles as Punishment for Union Attempt

By Harry Nuttsaac

Among a huge push for the first unionized Amazon warehouse, Jeff Bezos has made yet another attempt to hurt organizers where it hurts. Amazon has been an extremely anti-union company since its inception and, despite the best efforts of organizers across the country, not a single warehouse has been able to unionize in the face of Bezos’ pressure. However, because of the immense wealth of Bezos, the growth of Amazon itself in the face of a global pandemic, and the worsening conditions of Amazon workplaces, the push of organizers in Alabama has become the largest the company has ever seen and has garnered national recognition. Despite support from across the country, organizers still face pressure from Bezos in the face of ample anti-union propaganda throughout warehouses.

One of the ways in which Amazon workers have suffered is the lack of flexibility from Amazon: workers must continuously work and no unofficial breaks are allowed, including piss breaks. Because of this, pee bottles have become commonplace among Amazon employees and images of them have started spreading across the internet. Bezos has taken note of this, however, and has already initiated plans to remove all bottles of any kind in order to prevent employees from using them against the company. Amazon will also refuse to supply workers with water themselves, so the lack of bottles in workplaces puts workers at risk for dehydration.

Multiple news networks have reached out to Bezos for official statements and justifications of these decisions. In response to questions regarding how customers may view these decisions, Bezos told reporters, “Everyone will understand this mandate. No one wants piss bottles around their office.” When asked why they couldn’t just allow bathroom breaks, Bezos replied, “Money.” In a later portion of his interview, Bezos elaborated on Amazon’s overall policies: “We don’t like people here at Amazon, we would prefer all of our employees be robots. We’re actually working on that right now. For the time being, we have to deal with human beings. That doesn’t mean we should have to deal with their piss bottles. If this union vote doesn’t go away soon, we’re gonna start taking out bathrooms entirely.”

Strap Up Folks, It’s White Boy Summer

By Chill Dude

Since 2016, white girls have reminisced on their Controlla summer. Their memories ruled Twitter. Controlla summer this. Controlla summer that. For white boys, these tweets were sources of confusion and yearning. Why do we not have the same memories? When will it be our summer? 

We looked for a prophet to lead us to the promised land. Jonah Hill. Tyler Herro. Jack Harlow. Nobody was taking charge. When he appeared, it took us by surprise. But it shouldn’t have. On Saturday, Chet Hanks officially declared the summer of 2021 a white boy summer.

The press will bash it. They will tell you Chet Hanks is crazy, that everyone is making fun of him. They will try to destroy white boy summer with subpar vibes. Do not let them. Fight vibes with vibes. When unchill vibes come your way, muster up every last drop of SICK ASS VIBES and counterattack. 100 years from now, historians will look back upon the white boy summer of 2021 in the same light as the summer of love and the summer when Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story unrated cut was released on Blu-Ray DVD. Chet Hanks will be held on the same level as Asher Roth when he dropped the legendary party anthem “I Love College.” San Clemente will finally erect the Paul Walker statue. 

Lace your Vans. Work on your tans. Rhyme. Rhyme rhyme rhyme. This summer you don’t apologize when you rhyme. You just stare at whoever you were talking to and kick them in the crotchal region.

Top Ten April Fools Jokes For Republicans

By Helpful Guy

It’s April first, and you want to pull a prank that Nixon would be proud of. But you don’t know where to start! Here are some pranks that are sure-fire winners.

10. Tell your kids there will be no potluck after this week’s mass

9. Rent a Subaru

8. Tell your wife that you value her opinions

7. Donate to charity

6. Put a little extra mayonnaise on your kids’ sandwiches

5. Kneel for the national anthem

4. Have sex with your wife

3. Learn how to be cool on Twitter

2. Adopt a sense of empathy

1. Be remotely fun for three seconds

The Suez Canal is Like My Asshole

By: Hot and Sweaty Mamí

I hear they just freed up the ship that was causing the blockage in the Suez Canal. It baffles me that they needed at least 5 days to do this. I could’ve easily offered some help on how to unclog it. Why? Well, I let a lot of people put their phallus in my brown hole. At first, this hurt. A lot. Then, I started to get used to it. I just have a thing for getting my bunghole all jammed up, also for 5 days at a time. Call me kinky, I don’t care. They should’ve poured a few bottles of baby oil on the bow of the ship and had the man with the softest hands massage it in. The foghorn would’ve sounded like the sweetest release. Then, a man should’ve chewed up a bunch of bacon and opened his mouth, letting the greasy bits fall on the rump of the boat. There’s no way in hell that this ship could’ve stayed still after feeling such heavenly sensations. The Suez Canal is also like my asshole because I’m used to having a bunch of men line up waiting for their turn. Occasionally, their bosses would call me and say “when the hell are you going to let my man pass through the canal?! It’s been almost a week!” and I have no choice but to say that there’s been a blockage, tough shit. I also make my enemies sail around Africa to avoid seeing me. I don’t know how to end this. The end!

I, the Livi Coyote, Will NOT Get Vaccinated

By: The Livi Coyote

The last time someone gave me a shot, RUPD fired a 9 millimeter piece of lead through my face. That shit hurt. Yeah, it knocked me out so good that they thought I was done for. I was just playing possum – well, more like coyote, but you get it. Now everyone is telling me to get the COVID shot. I’ve been on the phone all day with representatives from Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and some asshole from Russia too. They’re all begging me, saying “if you get the shot it’ll be great publicity!” and “please Mr. Livi coyote! You have such a succulent and juicy teat! I’ll suck it on live T.V. if you get our shot!” Sorry folks, I won’t let any human give me a shot anymore. You gotta be careful what you wish for. However, I’m not a dumbass fox or simple mountain lion. I recognize the fact that I must inoculate my little aggressive coyote body from the virus. I smoked a fat bowl and my whiskers got stuck in the bong, and as I was prying them loose with my fangs, a genius idea came to me! I’m going to go back to the parking lots behind Livi and find a student who has already had the vaccine. I’ll smell it on their blood. Then I’ll bite them and suck the vaccine out of their bloodstream. Boom, automatic vaccine transfer! It’s always “why are you so aggressive” but never “wow, you’re a crafty coyote.” Time to set the record straight. And please, go for a walk behind Livi between 2 and 6 A.M. tomorrow night, help me out 😉

Personals: Week of Pesach

By Personal Levy

Q – Why is this week’s personals different from all other weeks’? 

A – On all other weeks we work, answering as many questions as we have time for. On Pesach we recline, take our time, and answer questions to the best of our ability. Which isn’t very good. 

Q – In all other school years we attend school on campus. Why this year do we attend from home?

A – When the Isrealites were forced to flee from Mitzrayim, they had to do so at a moment’s notice. They did not have time to attend class in person, and had to take midterms and finals on typewriters. Today we honor their memory by taking our classes online, just as our forefathers did so long ago. Or covid or something, I dunno.

Q – In all other years the Suez Canal flows free. Why in this year does it block up?

A – It is because of what the Suez has done for us for so long that it gets to stop.The Suez Canal has been open since 1869. That’s 152 years. In those years it has never once been stopped or renovated (citation needed). If we assume a normal 52 week work year and 40 hour work week, that’s 316,160 hours of continuous work. The average worker can expect two 15 minute breaks and one 30 minute lunch every 8 hours, of which the Suez has taken none. It has accrued 39,520 hours, or 4.5 years, of break. It will reopen September 23, 2025. 

Q – In all other years my candidate wins. Why in this year do the libtard demonrats cuck me out of my righteous victory?

A – The asker personalizes and internalizes this question, selfishly excluding everyone else. You should similarly exclude the asker by telling them that “it is because of what the libdems did for me that my candidate won. It is because they summoned the unholy forces that control life and death to resurrect voters, using Hero-nter Bid-win’s laptop as a conduit, that your sissy bitch got his nuts stomped in a landslide.” Then you pee on them.

Q – On all other nights I am able to go balls deep into my body pillow of Dean Winchester from the CW’s Supernatural while watching dubcon/noncon Garfield vore porn, why on this night does my father choose to disown me?

A – As it is written, thou shalt not spill thy seed. One must not forget the story of Onan. He wished not to make an heir for his brother’s widow, as the child would inherit his brother’s wealth instead of Onan. Because of this, Onan used his expert level pull out game, leaving a streak of his seed upon the ground rather than on his brother’s wife. For doing so, he was smote where he stood. Take this lesson to heart. Do not spill your seed in a Dean Winchester body pillow. Go to your dad, pull down his pants, and give his tight little bussy a night it won’t soon forget.

Q – Hey weren’t there only four questions at the Passover Seder?

A – Ayy, yo, fuck off brah.

The Word “Basketball” 200 Times

By: Showboat Man

Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball