Tag Archives: conservatism

AOC, stop monopolizing the alphabet!

By: A red-blooded American!

That woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is a danger to us all. Not just to our freedom of speech, or our right to bear arms. Not even to our right to worship the lord Jesus, blessed be his name. She is a danger to our God-given alphabet. Now, I can’t even use the letters “A, O, and C” one after the other! It would be a reference to that staunch liberal deadbeat! That means I can’t spell out the words…hmm….well, something must start with “AOC” and I’ll think of it later. So, we all know the story. God came down to Thomas Jefferson and George Washington and gave them the Latin alphabet. Since then, it has been downtrodden by the liberal media and the Soros elite. We as Americans have to get our guns and defend this alphabet from the Left’s vicious attacks. And if they take your guns, grow out your fingernails. Those are some weapons that the central government can’t take away! Yeehaw! So here’s what I propose: stop using the letters, A, O, and C! It’s that simple. Just use DJT (for our man Donnie J Trump) instead. We will make the English language great again. This is what the Founding Fathers would have wanted. I bet we amend the constitution next to omit these letters as well. It is the best move and if we have to fight the British again to retain our sacred alphabet, so help us God, we will win.

Top Five Reasons I’m Not a Virgin

By: Red Pilled Alpha Giga Chad (Not a virgin)

  1. I had sex with my girlfriend but you wouldn’t know her she goes to another school in another country but she definitely exists and I definitely put my peepee in her legs.
  2. I no longer wear the purity ring that my priest gave me. I still believe in God, I just believe he wanted me to get laid. 
  3. I am not a liberal.
  4. I have never tasted my own seamen nor another man named Jeffery’s seamen.
  5. My uncle told me I wasn’t a virgin after we played doctor downstairs in the basement alone on Thanksgiving when I was five.