Tag Archives: among us

Top 10 Kinds of People We Should Exclusively Keep the Death Penalty For

By: PP Harding

10. People who call tomato sauce “gravy”

I don’t know, I guess it’s a regional thing but SAUCE IS SAUCE AND NOT ALL SAUCE IS GRAVY!! Gravy is the shit you bathe a Thanksgiving turkey in so that it’s actually palatable, not what you eat with spaghetti. 

9. People who pronounce words from other languages how they think they would if they were from that culture but aren’t

I am Italian-American, my grandparents came from Italy as immigrants, and I have a huge extended family of Italian-Americans. I have NEVER heard any one of them pronounce it “mootz-arrrrrrrell” or “rrrrree-coat-ta”. If you pronounce it that way, great, but do NOT correct me, you fucking cavone.

8. People who refuse to watch popular television shows because they are too “mainstream”

Listen, I understand that sometimes you may have tried to watch a popular show and you’re just not into it. You don’t have to like the same things as everyone else. I’m talking about the people who genuinely believe they are cooler or better for not watching those shows. How do you know you’re not going to like it?? Don’t be such an Aquarius.

7. People who put empty containers of food back into the fridge/cupboard

You think that you’re going to have a little snacky snack and then you pick up the container and its super light and you open it and THERE IS NOTHING IN IT.

6. People who are condescending

I don’t know what is worse–people who are my friends talking down to me or people who I don’t know talking down to me. Either way, you’re dead to me.

5. People in food videos on Instagram that cut the food in half and then squeeze out its innards 

You’re not supposed to squeeze a burrito and the mixed contents are not supposed to be seen by human eyes once it has been wrapped into the tortilla. Thank you for making me vomit inside my mouth.

4. The Rutgers faculty that made my Biology exam at 9:40 PM on a Monday night

I’m basically in bed by that point every night. How am I supposed to understand what’s happening?

3. People who abuse animals

Kill a person? Eh, it was probably their fault. But what did that animal ever do to you?? There is no saving your soul. Away with you!

2. People who say “Guess what!” and you say “What?” and then they say “nO, yOu HaVe To GuEsS!”

I won’t guess and YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!

1. People who play together in Among Us and when you kill one of them, the other one exposes you as the imposter because their friend told them that you killed them

There is no room for your snitch ass in society. You are literal scum. I will see you in Hell.