Trump Tweets of Civil War Spark Litigation from Disney

By: Richard Hertz


As if the political climate was not perilous enough, Donald Trump took it upon himself to throw yet another wrench into the already completely fucked state of affairs. In this unfortunately real tweet from the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Potus writes “If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office(which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this nation from which our Country will never heal”. Though he was quoting some evangelical pastor, the sentiment is clearly something he believes. The reactionary statement has sparked outrage among constitutionalists, anti-fascists,and just about anyone fearing that Trump has finally lost it. 

Today these groups have found a very powerful, but unlikely ally. Responding to both the wording of the tweet and the swarm of memes that have spawned thereafter, media giant Disney has launched a swarm of legal suits against the Potus. Claiming that he violated their copyright by using the term Civil War(TM), citing their 2016 film Avengers: Civil War. While normally fairly lenient with the use of the word in history classes and documentaries, the company fears that the use by President Trump will cause an unwanted negative association with the word. 

ABC News(which is owned by Disney) and other networks like CNN have lauded the decision of the company, appropriating the rhetoric used by those in favor of impeachment. One CNN morning show even going as far as to use one of Trump’s own talking points by attempting to start a “Lock Him Up!” style chant, however the whole thing felt forced and embarrassing so no one joined in. Twitter leftists have been very apprehensive about Disney’s involvement in the course of events, not so easily convinced that the corporate overlords are what we need to dig us out of this crisis.

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