Tag Archives: Work

LinkedIn is Bullshit

By: Me, Goddammit


Me and my friends are no more than 21 years old. They tell me for months on end “get a LinkedIn!” So I did. Never have I been more disappointed in my whole life. I know my friends well. They like to get drunk and smoke at 3 pm on a weekday. Others like to lay in bed all day and watch Netflix. Nothing wrong with that, to each their own. But when I see that these same friends say that they’re equity analysts or financial coordinators at some company, I take my gun and shoot some glass bottles to get my rage out. If I wake the neighbors up then that’s even better. Why are my friends so pretentious? Half of them don’t even know how to boil pasta correctly. They throw the noodles in with the water and set them to boil all at once. These are the people we are letting take charge of our money? These are the people who water their lawns during a thunderstorm! Now, they’re telling the world they’re about to be certified public accountants? God, help us. When this current snowstorm passes, they’re the type who’ll shovel their walkways and dump the extra snow on their neighbor’s stoop. So, yeah, LinkedIn is bullshit. Oh, and as far as I’m concerned, I’m not an angry person. Far from it. I just want to create an app with no pretentiousness. I’ll call it DetachedOut. Join today and say why you’d make a bad employee. May the most honest one win a job.