Tag Archives: Boy Scouts

Head of Boy Scouts Explains Why Their Sexual Abuse Not That Bad

By: Cin Drariug


After Joe Biden blasted the Boy Scouts of America and the Catholic Church for the now over 105,00 claims of sexual abuse, the head of the BSA, Roger C. Mosby, released the following statement:

“We have mandatory youth protection training and background checks for all volunteers and staff. We have policies that prohibit one-on-one interactions between youth and adults and require that any suspected abuse is reported to law enforcement. Our volunteers and employees take youth protection extremely seriously and do their part to help keep kids safe.

“In no way is it still possible for a person to ‘Not Listen To Our Rules.’ Also, it is not possible that kids that were molested recently still feel too raw or connected to their pasts to reveal the trauma that happened to them.

“In fact, we recently started a new campaign to further reduce the remaining (non-existent) sexual assault that still occurs in the BSA. In the past five years, we have aggressively reduced our membership numbers. The fewer scouts we have, the fewer scouts we can sexually harass.  

“While we can never repair the damage caused, we can improve for the future.”

In the same conference where he addressed the abuse within the BSA and Catholic Church,  Biden talked about the recently released STD Surveillance Report that documents more than 115,000 syphilis cases, a 5 percent increase in Gonorrhea, and a 3 percent increase in Chlamydia. He said:

“STDs can come at a high cost for babies and other vulnerable populations. Come On America. We need to curb the spread. We are in this together. You know what I told the American people and that is hope. Hope for the future. Hope that tomorrow will be a better day. Hope that tomorrow will be brighter. We’re gonna build back better. We’re going to make America fair for people of all kinds and for people everywhere. For people in all states. Not Blue states or Red states but all of them. ”

He continued for several minutes after.

In unrelated news, the BSA and the Catholic Church announced a sponsorship deal with TrojanExtra Large.