By A Fun Ghoul

What does it mean if you’re peeing green?

Get outta here ya dumb mick no Irish allowed!

Over/under on the higher powers (or lack thereof) saying fuck it and unleashing Yellowstone’s might this year? Or do they hate us enough to want our misery prolonged?

You think Yellowstone is bad? Buddy, wait till you hit the bathroom after some of my wife’s cooking.

My dad won’t shut the fuck up about TikTok, should I put him down?

You should give him a Kik in the Kok if ya catch my drift.

How many “Among Us” games can I be participating in at once?

The only GAME you should be PARTICIPATING is our democracy by voting this      

November for former governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura.

Are we gonna be back for in person classes next Spring?

Yes but only people with COVID are allowed on campus.

How will Microsoft’s acquisition of Bethesda affect me personally?

Whenever you load up Windows Todd Howard will monitor your search history to make sure you’re not pirating Skyrim.

What’s the best Justin Timberlake album?

The one about sex noises or whatever.

Suggestions for Joe Biden to improve his campaign?

I feel like he should be more racist to attract Trump voters but that’s just me.

If you could kill one animal in hand-to-hand combat who would it be?

I would absolutely fuck up a hippo if given the opprotunity. 

See any good movies lately?

I was watching A Beautiful Mind because from the title I thought that someone made a Biopic about me and I was greatly disappointed.

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